Hello all!!!
Normally I train with my trainer on Wed but because my work schedule needed to be changed around I won't be training with coach until Friday bright and early! So today I did cardio and shoulders!!! (quickly becoming one of my favorite muscle groups!) My day started early and I had to work late on Tuesday so I decided to do my cardio and my lifting tonight because I wanted to make sure I got more than 6 hours of sleep. Very important part of training is to get enough rest for your body just normally but especially if you are adding more activities in your life too! So here's what I spent my time doing at the gym:
I did 45 min on the stair master I didn't pick a program or anything I just did a manual setting and increased the level every few minutes and then I would drop it back down for a few minutes and build back up. The stair master is one cardio machine that can really make me sweat!
I couldn't find the dumbbells I wanted so I had to go up in weight so I dropped the amount of reps down. for this move:
Standing overhead DB press: 17.5 dumbbells, 4 sets 12 reps each
Barbell upright rows: 40 lbs. 4 sets x 15 reps each
Dumbbell lateral raises combo with kickbacks (leaning forward just a little bit raising arms out to the side, then down and then pushing your arms straight back) you have to do each one for them to count as one. 4 sets 15 reps each 10 lb. DB
Front raises: I keep the DB's up and down as if I'm holding candle sticks and raise them until my arms are parallel to the floor. These are SUPERSET with the previous move (I do the DB lateral raises and kickbacks and then head straight into this move) 8 lb. DB 4 sets at 12 reps each
Lateral raises on machine- 30 lbs. 4 sets at 15 reps each I LOVE this move!!! I can really feel the burn in my shoulders and I swear I can feel them pumping up with each rep! Make sure you aren't flexing your neck or delts too much and really focus on the shoulder. Keep your posture too, it's easy to start dropping your shoulders forward.
And that's all I did! Took me maybe an hour and a half for everything. Lifting heavy and keeping myself moving from one move to the other allow me to build the shape I want without being glued to the gym all day! I hope that you are doing well and got up and moving wherever you are in the world!! Time for me to go catch some sleep before my early morning tomorrow!
Cheers and sweet fitness dreams!
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